
Tag: Dogs

July 28, 2017

How to Use DogWatch Indoor Boundaries

DogWatch Indoor Boundaries are an easy, convenient way to keep your pets our of certain areas of the house. A disc-shaped transmitter delivers a correction to the same collar that the dog wears for the hidden fence outside. Here are some ways to use it, from commonplace to creative.

-On a couch – no pets, no pet hair
-Under a bed – finally they’ll use their own beds
-At the bottom of a staircase – no pets upstairs
-Under the garbage can – smelly temptation
-In the baby’s room doorway – those naps are precious
-In the bathroom – toilet water, am I right?
-In the shoe closet – need I say more?
-On the countertop – even when you’re not home
-On top of the litter box – more smelly temptation
-In the dog food cabinet – no snack sneaking
-At the front door – guests can come in without an ambush
-In the garage – keep them safe from chemicals
-In the garden inside a plastic bag – no more digging
-Under the Christmas tree – especially for cats
-In Grandma’s lap – does your lab think he’s a lap dog?
-In the kids’ toybox – not all toys are dog toys
-Inside a package on the doorstep – he’ll never chew another Amazon shipment
-In the kids’ backpacks – no more jumping up on the little ones as they get off the bus

July 25, 2017

Unique Dog Names

When you meet new dogs every day, you come across some unique names. We love the old classics, of course, like Max, Sadie and Buddy. The newer ones we keep hearing include Luna, Bella and Jax. Here are some of the most uniquely named dogs we’ve met:

July 21, 2017

Our Mascot Tripp

DogWatch of the Twin Cities’ mascot is an energetic French Brittany Spaniel named Tripp. He was born in 2015, and he’s been sprinting ever since. Tripp belongs to Guy Treanor, the owner/operator of DogWatch of the Twin Cities, and the two of them do everything together. Their favorite activities are hunting grouse and pheasants, flying small planes and fishing.

Tripp also gets to accompany Guy to install and repair hidden fences around the metro. He can also act as the perfect distraction while training dogs to their new boundaries. Trippy loves to meet other DogWatch dogs and run full speed around customers’ yards.

One place Tripp doesn’t run, though, is out of his own yard, even when the squirrels and deer try to tempt him. He is well-versed on his hidden fence, as well as other DogWatch products. Guy uses the BigLeash Remote Trainer while hunting to silently communicate with Tripp in the field. And when the delivery truck comes, the BarkCollar comes in handy.

If you ever get to meet Tripp, be ready for energy! In a good way….usually.Guy & Tripp Hunting

Tripp Backyard5

Tripp Closeup

April 10, 2017

Welcome to Our Blog!

We’re so excited to be posting our first blog entry! There’s a different lifestyle and point of view that you gain when you live with cats and/or dogs, so we’ll keep this blog updated with interesting articles and tidbits that interest pet owners in Minnesota.
You’ll also get to know who we are at DogWatch of the Twin Cities. Guy Treanor started the company in 1991, and now it has grown into a family business that includes our little mascot, Tripp the French Brittany Spaniel. And if you have a DogWatch hidden fence, or are interested in buying one, you’ll get great insight on how to make the most out of it.
We, like our customers, are dog lovers at our core. There’s nothing better than coming home at the end of the day to a sloppy kiss and a wagging tail. We love working every day to keep dogs safe while giving them freedom. As we say at DogWatch, It’s All About Your Dog (and cat!).